Patricia Clarke
Assistant Professor Nursing Office Location: Nursing Building #126 Phone: (210) 805-3033 Email: pclarke@uiwtx.edu- DNP (2020), University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
- MSN/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (2005), University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio School of Nursing
- BSN (1997), University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio School of Nursing
- BS Social Science (1976), Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
- Fall 2022 to present: Full time Assistant Professor University of Incarnate Word. Traditional Track: Course Lead for NURS 2350 IPNL, Clinical Instructor for NURS 4415 Nursing of Children and Families. ABSN track: Course Lead for ABSN IPNL and didactic instructor for ABSN IPNL.
- Fall 2022, Course Lead for ABSN NURS 4415 Nursing of Children and Families and Didactic Instructor for NURS 4415 Spring 2023 and Summer 2023. Student advisor for high risk Level 1 ABSN students.
- Fall 2022: Taught 1 semester at Coastal Bend College: LVN to RN program.
- January 2008 through December 2012: Taught 5 years at UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Nursing in Traditional BSN and ABSN programs: Pediatric Didactic and Clinical, Health Assessment, Professional Socialization.
- Clarke, P. (Fall 2021). The Challenge of Sickle Cell Disease for Patients, Providers and Payers. APHON Counts 35 (3), 35-36. Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses.
Clarke, P. (Winter 2022). The Promise of Smartphone Apps to promote medication adherence in the pediatric Sickle Cell population. APHON Counts 36 (4), 16-17, 28. Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses.
Roche, B., Clarke, P., Ford, D., Collins Shaver, S. & Thompson, J. (2023). High-dose Methotrexate: Nursing considerations for administration and supportive care. CJON (Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing) 27 (1), 47-54. DOI 1188/23.CJON. 47-54.
Poster Presentations:
6th Annual Research Symposium Children's Hospital of San Antonio: "Implementation of a Sickle Pain Management Plan (SPMP) for pediatric patients with Sickle Cell Disease: An improvement project to increase effectiveness in management of Acute Pain Crisis." October 2021.
Sigma Global Nursing Excellence DAal Chapter Induction Ceremony at UT Health in San Antonio, Texas: “Implementation of a Sickle Pain Management Plan (SPMP) for pediatric patients with Sickle Cell Disease: An improvement project to increase effectiveness in management of Acute Pain Crisis." April 2023.
- Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses, member of the National and the State organization
- Texas Nurse Practitioners
- Childrens Oncology Group
- Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses 46th Annual Conference (September 2022): General Session speaker on Sickle Cell Disease: Pathophysiology, Pain and Prevention of Problems. September 16th, 2022
- Hematology column editor of APHON Counts, the quarterly newsletter of the Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses.
- Review Panel: ONCC (Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation). Member of the test development committee for the national certification exam by the Association of Pediatric Hematology Nurses, 2018-2023. I served on the blueprint committee (2017) as an item writer (2018), and on the test development committee. This national certification exam must be passed for a pediatric nurse to become certified in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
- Licensed by the Texas Board of Nursing as RN and APRN
- Pediatric Certification Board: Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Primary Care
- Association of Hematology Oncology Nurses: Certified Instructor for the Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Provider
- Association of Hematology Oncology Nurses: Certified Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Provider
- Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation: Certified Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurse