Lucero Martinez Delgado
Assistant Professor Community Health Education/Dimensions of Wellness Office Location: Nursing Building #123 Phone: (210) 829-3937 Email: lamart13@uiwtx.edu- MD, University de Monterrey, Doctor of Medicine with a minor in Geriatrics
- MS, University of Texas at San Antonio, Biology
Master Thesis
Martinez Delgado, L., "Repurposing for antifungal drug development: Large-Scale Screening of the library of pharmacologically active compounds (LOPAC®1280) for identification of Candida albicans biofilm inhibitors.
Poster Presentations
Martinez Delgado, L. A., Sarkar, S., and Lopez-Ribot, J., UTSA College of Science Research Conference, “Repurposing for Antifungal Drug Development: High-Content Screening of the Library of Pharmacologically Active Compounds (LOPAC®1280) for the Identification of Candida albicans Biofilm Inhibitors”, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX. (Oct. 7, 2016)
Martinez Delgado, L. A., Sarkar, S., and Lopez-Ribot, J., San Antonio Science Fiesta, "Re-purposing for Antifungal Drug Development: Finding New Uses for Old drugs", UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX. (March 5, 2016)
- Human Anatomy and Physiology Society
- International Network for Health Workforce Education
- 2023 - Nominee - Presidental Teaching Award, the University of the Incarnate Word
- 2022 - Awarded - Provost Legacy Teaching Award, the University of the Incarnate Word
- 2022 - Nominee - Mission Continues Award for Service, the University of the Incarnate Word
- 2020 - Nominee - University Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Texas at San Antonio
- 2019 - Nominee - Minnie Stevens Piper Teaching Award, The University of Texas at San Antonio
- 2018 - Nominee - Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award, The University of Texas at San Antonio
- 2017 - Awarded - NISOD Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Texas at Austin
- Licensed Medical Doctor in Mexico (current)
- Quality Matters Rubric Certified (2020)
- Online teaching certified by Alamo Colleges (2017)
- Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) certificate, American Heart Association (2014 - 2016)
- Hybrid teaching certified by the University of Texas at San Antonio (2015)
- SA-C Surgical Assistant Certified, American Board of Surgical Assistants (ABSA) (2013 - 2015)
- Adjunct Certificate, Lone Star College System (2014)
- University of Texas at San Antonio - Assistant Professor in Practice
- Alamo Colleges - Adjunct Faculty
- Lone Star College - Adjunct Faculty
- Clinical Anatomy and Physiology BootCamp
- Evidence-based Practice
- Health Communication
- Introduction to Pathopharmacology for Healthcare Professionals
- Collaborative Care in Health and Disability
- Clinical Gross Anatomy
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Medical Terminology and Patient Documentation
- Nutrition and Diet Therapy
- Patient Assessment Practicum
- Undergraduate Research Experiences
- Higher Education
- Medical Mycology
- Drug Development
- Health Disparities