Emily Dow
Visiting Instructor Community Health Education/Dimensions of Wellness, Human Performance/Kinesiology Office Location: Wellness Center #131 Phone: (210) 829-3966 Email: edow@uiwtx.edu- EdD, University Louisiana Monroe, Curriculum and Instruction
- MS, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Sport Management
- Post Master, California University of Pennsylvania, Health and Fitness Promotion
- BS, Slippery Rock University, Recreational Therapy, Aquatics
- Williams, S.R., Dow, E.A., Johnson, M.B. Drowning is fast, silent, and preventable: a Texas example of research in action. Injury Epidemiology.
- Dow, E. (2023, July). Kinesiology students self-efficacy when engaging with individuals with ability differences during unified play. [Conference presentation]. TxATE 2023 Summer Conference, San Antonio, TX.
- Dow, E.( 2023, June). Perceptions and Preparedness: Exploring Physical Education Teacher Candidates' Readiness for Working with Individuals with Disabilities.[Conference presentation]. NCPEID Annual Conference 2023, Washington, DC.
- Kharaod, D., Dow, E., Fraga, L., & Guzman-Foster, S., (2023, May 23).Faculty Play Day: Play and Service Unite Through Innovative Pedagogy. [Conference presentation]. ITLC Lilly Conference, Austin, Texas.
- Dow, E. (2023, March). Making our students healthier: Strategies to prepare teacher candidates to integrate Health and Physical Education into the classroom. [Conference presentation]. Association of Teacher Educators 2023 Annual meeting, Jacksonville. FL.
- Dow, E (2022, November 14). Staying fit at your desk. Sports and Wellness Lunch and Learn, University of the Incarnate Word.
- Dow, Emily (July 16, 2022). Building a bridge between community and higher education. National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities. Virtual Conference.
- Dow, Emily (April 2022). Using Colleges & Universities as a Vehicle for Drowning Prevention. National Water Safety Conference. Educational Session.
- Dow, Emily, & Grote-Garcia, Stephanie (July 13, 2021). Special Olympics College Clubs: One University’s Experience. 2021 NCPEID Annual Conference: Coming Together. Round Table Discussion.
- Dow, Emily (April 2021). The effects of the water learning curriculum on the developmental domains in preschool aged children. International Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Dance and Sport. Virtual Summit.
- Dow, Emily (April 2020). Water Safety and Schools: How to "float" your way into a "lifesaving" relationship. National Drrowing and Prevention Association. Virtual Conference.
- Dow, Emily (April 2019). Integrating Water Safety through School Curriculum. National Drowning and Prevention Association. New Orleans, LA
- Dow, Emily (November 2018). Water Learning: Bringing Education, Movement, and the Pool Together. Louisiana Association Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. Baton Rouge, LA
- Dow, Emily, Vetere, Michael, J., and Vetere, Timothy (August 2017). Unconventional learning in a Democratic Society: Using Water, Drama, and Puppetry to Prepare Teacher Candidates. Association of Teacher Educators. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Lunch and Learn, Guest Speaker (2013). Environmental Service Laboratories Inc. Indiana, PA
- Vetere (Dow), E. and Lorenzi, D. (2010, April). Special Needs Activity Program. National Drowning Prevention Awareness Conference. Pittsburgh, PA
- Lorenzi, D.G., Modell, S.J., and Vetere (Dow), E.A. (2010, March). Attitudes, Knowledge, and Perceptions Regarding Adapted Sport. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Indianapolis, IN.
- Vetere (Dow), E.A., and Lorenzi, D.G. (2009, April). Splish, Splash…the Value of Water. Presentation at the Slippery Rock University Autism Awareness Conference, Slippery Rock, PA.
- Hsiao, R., Vetere (Dow), E., and Black, C. (March 2007). Media image for female athlete: Equalization of women in sports. Paper presented at the Third Drake Group Conference, Cleveland, OH
- Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)
- Texas Association of Teacher Educators (TxATE)
- National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID)
- National Council for Higher Education
- National Drowning and Prevention Association (NDPA)
- International Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Dance and Sport (IAHPEDS)
- Adapted Aquatics Instructor
- Certified Adapted Physical Educator from APENS
- University of the Incarnate Word, Assistant Professor 2021 - present
- University of the Incarnate Word, Instructor 2019 - 2021
- University of Louisiana Monroe, Instructor 2016 - 2019
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Instructor 2007 - 2014
- CSCI 1070: Computer Literacy
- DWHP 1200: Dimensions of Wellness
- GERO 1001: Basic Activity
- HLST 2001: Healthcare Issues
- HLST 2007: Nutrition
- HLST 4001: Cultural Diversity in Health Care
- HPED 143: Physical Well Being
- HPED 209: Motor Behavior
- HPED 242: Emergency Health Care
- HPED 261: Water Safety Instruction
- HPED 319: Pre-Professional Experience
- HPED 344: Adapted Physical Activity and Sport
- HPED 493: Internship
- HLTH 4323: Six Dimensions of Wellness (Authored)
- KEHP 1301: Foundations of Kinesiology
- KEHP 2302: Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment in Health and Physical Education
- KEHP 2305: Motor Learning and Development
- KEHP 3303: Elementary Physical Education Methods
- KEHP 4345: Adapted Physical Education
- KEHP 6379: Adapted Physical Activity and Sport
- KEHP 6399: Special Topics: Motor Learning and Control
- KINS 2001: Introduction to Kinesiology
- KINS 4008: Adapted Physical Activity for Students with Special Needs
- PEHP 1110: Volleyball
- PEHP 1139: Yoga
- PEHP 1157: Running
- PEHP 1163: Aquatic Fitness Instruction
- PEHP 1190: Activity Lab
- PEHP 2303: Health and Physical Education for Elementary Teachers
- PEHP 3301: Motor and Fitness Development for Children
- PEHP 3302: Motor and Fitness Development for Pre-Adolescents
- PEHP 3305: Motor Development and Fitness Health
- PEHP 3314: Theories of Coaching
- PEHP 3371: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
- PEHP 4345: Psychomotor Development: Educational Implications
- REHS 3320: Cultural Issues in Healthcare
- Adapted Physical Activity, Sport, Recreation, and Aquatics
- Integrated Curriculum in Public School Involving Physical Activity as the Primary Component
- Adapted Physical Education
- Perception of Skill Development