Ms. Robertson retired from the Navy in September 2019 after serving 26 years on active duty as a Navy Nurse. She spent her career focused on the clinical and academic skills of staff, patients and families. Her goal is to inspire her passion for lifelong learning and education to others. She not only aspires to be an outstanding nurse with the knowledge to succeed, but to ensure nurses have the tools to succeed. She finished her Navy career as the Director for Academic Support at the Navy Medicine Training Support Center where she provided oversight and development of 300 instructor staff to 1800 students.
- MSN, Virginia Commonwealth University
- BSN, Ball State University
- American Nurses Association
- Sigma Theta Tau International
- National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
- Martha M. Borlick Research Award: Implementation and Statistical Analysis on Medical Response Teams in a Level I Burn/Trauma Center. Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Nursing, May 2007.
- Navy Flight Nurse
- Numerous military awards
- Poster Presentation Winner for Military Health System's Conference: Nursing Quality Challenge: Demonstrating Competency at an Isolated, High Acuity Military Treatment Facility, February 2010, Washington D.C.
- Acute Care Clinical Nurse Specialist - Board Certified
- Commissioned into the United States Navy as a Nurse Corps Officer in March 1994.
- Instructed Tactical Medical Simulations to Physicians, Dentists, Nurses.
- Instructed Trauma Nursing Core Course.
- Instructed Nursing Orientation and led the new Nurse Intern Program.
- NURS 2124 Integrated Clinical
- NURS 2313L Basic Health Assessment Lab
- NURS 2350 Introduction to Professional Nursing Leadership
- NURS 3325 Healthcare Pathophysiology
- NURS 3545 Med-Surgical/Complex Care
- NURS 3345 Med-Surgical/Complex Care I Clinic
- Adult education
- Improving patient outcomes