Danuta Wojnar
Professor and Dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions Nursing Office Location: Nursing Building #141 Phone: (210) 283-6379- Executive Business Administration Certificate (2015), Wharton School of Business University of Philidelphia
- Ph.D. in Nursing (2005), University of Washington
- Master of Nursing (2002), Dalhousie University
- Adult Education Certificate (2000), Henson College
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (1996), Dalhouise University
- Diploma in Nursing (1992), Victoria General Hospital
- Master of Arts-Specialty (1986), Jagiellonian University
- Conceptual Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice (Graduate Lecture)
- Promoting Wellness in Childbearing Families (Prelicensure Lecture and Clinical)
- Graduate Research Seminar (Graduate Lecture/Seminar)
- DNP Internship Graduate Lecture/Seminar)
- Population Health Internship (Pre-licensure seminar & Internship Supervision)
- Assessment and Interventions (Lab)
- Ph.D. Dissertation Research, DNP Capstone Projects, MN Thesis (Individual and Small Group)
Kim, H.J. & Wojnar, D. (2022). Developing mental health simulation for undergraduate and graduate students: Lessons learned. Western Journal of Nursing Research (in revision).
Baca-Dietz, D., Wojnar, D.M., & Espina, C. (2020). The Shared Decision-Making Model: Providers’ and Patients’ Knowledge and Understanding in Clinical Practice. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Jun 30. Doi: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000401. Online ahead of print.
Marcinowicz, L., Terlikowski, J., & Wojnar, D.M. (2021). Work Activities of Primary Health Care Nurses in Poland: National Survey Results. BMC Health Services Research Journal. 20 (22). Published online 2021 Jan 14. doi: 10.1186/s12912-021-00541-2
Kidd, S., Christiansen, K., Coumar, A., Williams, J., BSN, Ito, K., Petersen, A., Niculescu, R.,Eisenberg, S., Schwab, D., Wojnar, D.M., Jablonski, A., & Shannon Dorcy, K. (2020). A dedicated education unit and a novel resident nurse transition to practice program in an ambulatory oncology setting. Seminars in Oncology Nursing Jun;36(3), 151027. doi: 10.1016/j.soncn.2020.151027. Epub 2020 May 15.
- Marcinowicz L, Shpakou A, Wojnar, D., Piatrou S, Fejfer-Wirbal E, Dudzik A, Kalinowska P, & Palubinskaya S. (2020). Behavioural categories of professionalism of nurses in Poland and Belarus: A comparative survey. . Journal of Clinical Nursing, May;29(9-10):1635 -1642. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15226. Epub 2020 Mar 10.PMID: 32092210.
- Hermer, J., Hirsch, A., Bekemeier, B., Nyirati, C., & Wojnar, D. et al. (2020). Integrating population health in nursing education: A commitment from Washington’s nursing deans and directors. Journal of Professional Nursing 36(2), 6-12.
- Miller, C. & Wojnar, D.M. (2019). Breastfeeding Support guided by Swanson's Theory of Caring. MCN American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 44(6), 351-356.
- Kim H.J. & Wojnar, D. (2019). Hearing distressing voices simulation: Students’ perspectives. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40(3), 240-246.
- Wojnar, D. & Whelan, E.M. (2018). Preparing nursing students for enhanced roles in primary care: The current state of prelicensure and RN-to-BSN education. Nursing Outlook, 65(2), 222-232.
- Bowie, B., Wojnar, D. & Isaak, A. (2017). Somali families’ experiences of parenting in the United States. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 39(2) pii: 0193945916656147. (Epub ahead of print).
- Young, R., Lewis, F. M., & Wojnar, D. (2016). Culturally embedded risk factors for Cambodian husband-wife HIV transmission from women’s point of view. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(2),154-162. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12193.
- Yang, Y., Wojnar, D., & Lewis, F.M. (2016). Becoming a person with HIV: experiences of Cambodian women infected by their spouses. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 18, 1-12.
- Yang, Y., Lewis, F.M., & Wojnar D. (2015). Life changes in women infected with HIV by their husbands: An interpretive phenomenological study. Journal of Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. 26(5), 580-594.
- Wojnar, D. M. (2015). Perinatal experiences of Somali couples in the USA. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 44(3), 358-369.
- Smolowitz, J., Speakman, E., Wojnar, D. M. Whelan, E.M., Ulrich, S., Hayes, C., & Wood, L. (2015). Nurses in primary care. Nursing Outlook. 63(2), 130-137.
- Ellis, S., Wojnar, D., & Pettinatto, M. (2015). Conception, pregnancy, and birth experiences of male and gender variant parents: It’s how we could be a family. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 60(1), 62-69.
- Trotter, A., Matt, S., & Wojnar, D. (2014). Communication strategies and accommodations utilized by health care providers with hearing losses, a pilot study. The American Journal of Audiology, 23(1), 7-19.
- Leach, S., Wojnar, D., & Pettinatto, M. (2014). Lived experience of miscarriage for nine Latina women. Journal of Theory Construction and Testing, 18(1), 10-17.
- Wojnar, D., & Katzenmyer, A. (2014). Becoming a parent for non-biological lesbian mothers. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing. 43(1), 50– 60.
- Wojnar, D., Cowgill, K., Hoffman, L., & Carlson, H. (2013). Evaluation of an evidence-based Pitocin administration checklist at a tertiary-level hospital. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 16, 36(8), 975-988.
- Andreson, J., Nobanzi, N., Hepfer, B., King'ori, E., Oketch, J., Wojnar, D., Cowgill, K.& Israel-Ballard, K. (2013). Infant feeding buddies: A strategy to support safe infant feeding for HIV-positive mothers. Journal of Human Lactation. 29 (1),90–93.
- Wojnar, D., Swanson, K.M., & Adolfsson, A. (2011). Miscarriage: Confronting the Inevitable. A
conceptual model for use in clinical practice and research. Death Studies, 35 (6), 536-558. - Swanson, K.M., Chen S., Graham, C., Wojnar, D., & Petras, A. (2009). Resolution of depression and grief during the first year after miscarriage: A randomized controlled clinical trial of couples-focused interventions. Journal of Women’s Health. 18(8), 1245- 1257.
- Wojnar, D. (2007). Miscarriage Experiences of Lesbian Birth and Social Mothers: Couples’ perspectives. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 52(5), 479-85.
- Wojnar, D., Hogan, J., Nagle, W., Roberts, J., Etowa, J., Carson, G. (2006). Development and Implementation of a Breastfeeding Policy: Bringing an ideal to reality, Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing 9S1, 653-e56.
- Wojnar, D. & Swanson, K. (2007). Phenomenology: An exploration. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 25(3), 172-80; discussion 181-2; quiz 183-185.
- Wojnar, D. & Swanson, K.M. (2006). Why shouldn’t lesbian miscarriage receive special consideration? A viewpoint. Journal of GLTB Family Studies, 2(1),1-12.
- Wojnar, D. (2004) Maternal perceptions of early breastfeeding experiences and breastfeeding outcomes at 6 weeks. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing. 8(3), 93-100.
- Swanson, K. M. & Wojnar, D. Optimal healing environments in Nursing. (2004). Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 10(1), 43-51.
- Wojnar, D. (2003). Developing nursing perspective on spirituality and healing: Questions and answers following a letter to the Editor. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16(3), 297-300.
- McCallum, M., Curran-Smith, J., Wojnar, D., & Williamson, S. (2002). Evaluating the impact of organizational learning initiatives. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 18 (4), 177-183.
- Enang, J., Wojnar, D., & Harper, F. (2002). Childbearing among diverse populations: How one Hospital is providing multicultural care. Lifelines, 6(2), 153-160.
Invited Non-Peer Reviewed:
- Wojnar, D. (2007). Nurturing touch in the NICU: The Outcomes to preterm infants and their infants. Neurotransmitter, Spring 2007.
- Wojnar, D. & McMichael, J. (2000). Using ‘Keys to Caregiving’ in an infant massage program with teen mothers. University of Washington Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training (NCAST) News, 16 (4) 1-4.
Refereed Book Chapters, Encyclopedia Entries, Reviews
- Henner, N., MD, Wojnar, D., & Denney-Koelsch, MD. (2020). Considerations in unique populations in perinatal care: from culture, race, infertility and beyond perspectives. In: PPC Clinical Guide Book. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Wojnar, D. (2019). Caring. In S. J. Peterson & T.S. Bredow (Eds.). Middle range theories: Application to nursing research and practice. 3nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Wojnar, D. (2015). Caring. In S.J. Peterson & T.S. Bredow (Eds.). Middle range theories: Application to nursing research and practice. 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Wojnar, D. (2015). Perinatal loss in lesbian families. In P. M. Wright & B. Black (Eds.). Perinatal Bereavement. New York: Springer Publishing (published Sept 2015).
- Wojnar, D. & Nahrrun, R. (2015). Perinatal Health Care of Somali Women: A resource Guide. In: M.deChesnay and B. Anderson (Eds.). Caring for the Vulnerable: Perspectives in Nursing Theory, Practice and Research. 4th Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Bowie, B. & Wojnar, D. (2015). Using phenomenology as a research method in community based research. In M. deChesnay (Ed.). Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research Monograph Series, New York: Springer Publishing, published in February 2015.
- Wojnar, D. (2014). Social, cultural, and spiritual assessment. In: S. Jensen (Ed.). Health Assessment and Intervention in Nursing. The best Practice Approach. 2nd Edition, Baltimore: Walter Kluwer- Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Wojnar, D. (2012). Swanson’s Middle Range Theory of Caring. In A. Marriner Tomey & M. R. Alligood (Eds.), Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 8th ed., (pp. 762-773). St Louis: Mosby.
- Wojnar, D. (2011). Application of K.E. Barnard Caregiver Child Interaction framework in caring for premature infants. In: M. deChesney and B. Anderson (Eds.). Caring for the Vulnerable: Perspectives in Nursing Theory, Practice and Research, 2nd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Wojnar, D. (2010). Optimal healing environments for families. In: M. Craft Rosenberg (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Family Health, St Louis: SAGE.
- Wojnar, D. (2010). Social, cultural, and spiritual assessment. In: S. Jensen (Ed.). Health Assessment and Intervention in Nursing. The best Practice Approach. Baltimore: Walter Kluwer- Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Wojnar, D. (2010). Swanson’s Middle Range Theory of Caring. In: A. Mariner Tomey & M.R. Alligood (Eds.), Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 7th ed., St Louis: Mosby.
- Wojnar, D. (2011; 2009). Caring theory: Application in nursing research and practice. In: S. Peterson (Ed.), Middle Range theories: Application to Nursing Research. St Louis: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Wojnar, D. (2011). Lesbian miscarriage. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP): Köln, Germany (in English).
Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers and Presentations:
- Baca Dietz, D., & Wojnar, D. 2019. Nurse Practitioners Conference. Shared decision making in primary care: Implications for patients and providers. Oct 16-19, Eugene, Oregon.
- Wojnar, D. September 2018. A vision for nursing in primary care. European Forum on Nursing and Healthcare. September 6-9, Venice, Italy.
- Wojnar, D. April 2018. Community based curriculum evaluation results. Paper presentation. Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference. April 12-15 Spokane, WA.
- Wojnar, D. September 2017. Preparing BSN Students for Advanced Roles in Primary Care: Lessons learned. Paper presentation, 30th World Congress on Advanced Nursing Practice September 4-6 , 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Wojnar, D. July 2017. Understanding refugee youth experiences with transitioning to a new country. Paper presentation accepted for the 36th International Human Science Research Conference, Poland.
- Wojnar, D. & EM. Whelan: June 2017. Preparing nursing students for enhanced roles in primary
care: The current state of prelicensure and RN-to-BSN education. Paper presentation
accepted for the International Congress of Nurses, Barcelona, Spain. - Wojnar, D., Narruhn, R., & Bowie, B., January 2017. The experiences of refugee youth with transition to the United States. Paper presented at Giving Voice to Experience Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Wojnar, D. & Whelan, E.M. June 2016. The enhanced role of nurses in primary care: where do we need to go? Paper presented at Macy Foundation Summit on Nursing in Primary Care, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Wojnar, D. November 2014. Nursing in primary care: Global perspective. International Conference on Nursing Healthcare Innovation. Paper presented at International Conference on Nursing Healthcare Innovation, Chicago, Ill.
- Wojnar, D. Sept 2014. Grief and depression patterns in lesbian partners in the first six months after pregnancy loss. Research paper presented at International Conference on Healthcare and Social Welfare, Vasteras, Sweden.
- Bowie, B. & Wojnar, D. Sept. 2014. Understanding Somali families’ barriers to effective parenting. Paper presented at the 10th International Globalization, Diversity, & Education Conference, Spokane, WA.
- Whelan, E.M., Wojnar, D., Ulrich, S. June 2014. Nurses in primary care in the USA: State of the Science. Paper presented at Academy Health Conference, San Diego, California.
- Kamau, L., Wojnar, D., Cowgill, K. April 2014. Perceptions of the lived experience of residents of Thogoto Home for the Aged in Kikuju, Kenya. 1 Research paper presented at the 47th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Wojnar, D. April 2014. Perinatal Experiences of Somali couples. Paper presented at Giving Voice to Experience Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
- Bowie, B. & Wojnar, D. Feb. 2014. Understanding Somali families’ barriers to effective parenting. Paper presented at the 10th International Globalization, Diversity, & Education Conference, Spokane, WA.
- Wojnar, D. June 2012. Perinatal Experiences of Somali Couples in the USA.1 Research paper presented at the International Nursing Conference Caring to Know Knowing to Care, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Wojnar, D., Bowie, B., & McAllister, L. June 2012. Lessons Learned: Building Alliances with Difficult to Reach Communities. Poster presented at the International Nursing Conference Caring to Know, Knowing to Care, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Bowie, B., Wojnar, D., & McAllister, L. June 2012: Understanding Somali Families’ Barriers to Effective Parenting. Research poster presented at the International Nursing Conference Caring to Know, Knowing to care, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Dana, N., Israel-Ballard, K., King’ori, J., Oketch, J., Anderson, J., Wojnar, D., & Cowgill, K. June 2011. Feeding buddies: A strategy to support safe infant feeding for HIV positive mothers. 1 Research poster presented at the 5th South African AIDS Conference. Durban, South Africa.
- Bowie, B., Wojnar, D., & Carlson, L. April 2011. Understanding Somali Families' barriers to effective parenting.1 Research poster presented at the 44th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Wojnar, D. & Aden, F. April 2011. Perinatal Care Needs of Somali Immigrants. 1 Research paper presented at the 44th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Wojnar, D. April 2010: Miscarriage Experiences of Lesbian Co-mothers. Research poster presented at the 43rd Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Wojnar, D. April 2009: Fathers and Postpartum Depression. 1 Research paper presented at the 42nd Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Wojnar, D. June 2008: Social Mothers’ transition to parenthood.1 Research paper presented at the International Conference of Human Caring. Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
- Wojnar, D. April 2008: Partners’ transition to parenthood and depressive symptoms. Research poster presented at the 41st Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, WIN, Los Angeles, California.
- Wojnar, D. July 2007: Caring for lesbian couples who miscarried.1 Research paper presented at the International Nursing Research Congress. Austria, Vienna.
- Wojnar, D. Apr. 2007: Becoming Lesbian Non-biological Mother. 1 Research paper presented at the 40th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Portland, OR.
- Swanson, K.M. & Wojnar, D. April 2007: Fidelity to theory in a caring based intervention. Research poster presented at the 40th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference. Portland, OR.
- Wojnar, D. March 2007: Caring for Lesbian Couples during the Transition to Parenthood. Research paper presented at the 20th Pacific Nursing Research Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Wojnar, D. April 2006: Miscarriage Experiences of Lesbian Birth and Social Mothers. 1 Research paper presented at the 39th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Wojnar, D. Nov 2005: Miscarriage experiences of lesbian birth and social mothers. A 2-hour research-based symposium presented at the Second National Rainbow Health Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Wojnar, D. April 2005: Maternal perceptions of early breastfeeding experiences of breastfeeding outcomes at 6 weeks. 1 Research paper presented at the 38th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference. San Francisco, California.
- Swanson, K., & Wojnar D. October 2004. Predicting gender-based depression and grief post miscarriage.1 Research paper presented at the National State of the Science Nursing Congress1 Washington, DC.
- Wojnar, D. April 2004: Gender Differences in Perception of Caring and support after Miscarriage. Research paper presented at the 37th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference. Portland, Oregon.
- Wojnar, D. June 2002. Group versus Individual Teaching during Postpartum Hospitalization: A Pilot study.1 Research poster presented at the International AWHONN Convention. Boston, MA.
- Wojnar, D. June 2002. Development and Implementation of a Joint Breastfeeding Policy between IWK Health Centre and Public Health Services. 1 A quality improvement project paper presented at the International AWHONN Convention. Boston, MA.
- Wojnar, D. Nov 2001. Development of Infant Massage Program in a Tertiary Health Center. A quality improvement project paper presented at the Canadian AWHONN Convention, Vancouver, BC.
- Wojnar, D. Oct. 2001. Planning and Development of a Joint Breastfeeding Policy for the IWK Health Centre and Public Health Services.1 A quality improvement project paper presented at the Canadian National Breastfeeding Conference, Moncton, NB.
- Wojnar, D. & Mac Michael, J. August 2000: Development and Implementation of Community- based Keys to Care giving/Infant Massage Program for Teen Single Mothers. Quality improvement project paper presented at the 9th International NCAST Institute, UW School of Nursing, Seattle, WA.
- McCallum, M., Wojnar, D., Curran-Smith, J., & Williamson, S. July 2000: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: An innovative corporate learning evaluation strategy. Quality improvement project paper presentation at the Educational Innovation in Economics & Business (EDINEB) International Conference. Long Beach, CA.
- Wojnar, D. April 2000: Helping Women at Risk for Pre-term Birth Deal with the Stress of Hospitalization and Uncertain Motherhood: The Tea & Learn Program. A quality improvement project paper presented at the 20th Perinatal Nursing Conference. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Wojnar, D., Enang, J.., & Harper, F. June 2000: Development and Implementation of a
Multicultural Health program: An Innovative Approach to Meeting the Needs of
Culturally Diverse Community. A quality improvement project paper presented at the
International AWHONN Convention, Seattle, WA. - Cormier, J., Wojnar, D., Myrdock, A., & Campbell, L. November 1998: Implementation of Mother – Baby Telephone Advice. A quality improvement project presented at the Canadian National Baby-Friendly Initiative Conference Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Wojnar, D., Wertman, F., & Snelgrove-Clarke, E. June 1998: Development and implementation of theoretical foundation for Mother-Baby Nursing. A quality improvement poster presented at the International AWHONN Convention, San Antonio, Texas.
- Wertman, F., Wojnar, D., & Snelgrove-Clarke, E. April 1998: Care paths: Supporting Theory and Outcome Based Care. A quality improvement project podium paper presented at the 18th Perinatal Nursing Conference, Dartmouth, NS.
Keynotes and Invited Presentations (selected):
- 03/2021 Equity and Justice Initiatives at SUCON. Regional NWONE Virtual Meeting.
- 10/2020 The New Generation of Nursing Essentials. WA, CNEWS (Annual, regional Deans & Directors conference).
- 02/2020 Nursing Essentials Re-imagined. Regional AACN Conferences (1)Florida; (2) Texas
- 08/2018 Interprofessional Model of Primary Care with RN at its Heart. International Congress on Primary Care, Paris France.
- 03/2017 Caring and Social Justice: Seattle University, Seattle, WA, Annual SU CON Dean’s
Lecture. - 08/2016 Transition to Professional Practice Using Social Justice as a Moral Imperative.
SUCON Pinning Ceremony. (Keynote). - 06/2016 Preparing Nurses for Advanced Roles in Primary Care. Macy’s Foundation
Interdisciplinary Summit on Primary Care, Atlanta, GA. - 05/2014 Improving Population Health through Nursing Research and Practice: Interactive
Seminar. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences Symposium; faculty and student participants and distance participants from Northern Canada, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, and England. (Keynote). - 04/2014 Nurses in primary care: changes underway. SUCON Regional Summit: Changes in Healthcare: Implications and Innovations for Nursing Education and Practice. Seattle, WA. (Keynote).
- 02/2014 Program of research: lesbian pregnancy loss. “Perinatal Loss Summit.” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC. (invited presentation).
- 01/2014 Changing the culture of healthcare through nursing education, practice and research. Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing Induction Ceremony. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Canada. (Keynote).
- 12/2013 Healthcare reform in the USA and its Effects on Primary care Nursing. Lunch time faculty scholars. Seattle University, College of Nursing. (invited presentation).
- 12/2013 The Roles of Registered Nurses in Primary Care. American Board of Internal Medicine-American Academy of Nursing and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellows Leadership Action Learning Summit on the Future of Primary Care. Philadelphia, PA (Keynote).
- 06/2013 Forming effective coalitions to address the perinatal needs of Somali immigrants. Malardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden. (invited presentation).
- 05/2013 Barriers to meeting perinatal needs of Somali immigrants. Town Hall meeting, Eskilstuna City Municipality, Sweden. (Keynote).
- 04/2013 Caring for diverse populations: How ready are we? Somali parents Perinatal Experiences. Perinatal International Conference: Society and Health, Eskilstuna, Sweden. (invited presentation).
- 02/2010 Benefits of Engagement in Baby Friendly Initiative, Valley Medical Center, Renton, WA. (invited presentation).
- 01/2010 Sullivan Day Panelist: The Bookseller of Kabul. Seattle University, Seattle, WA, invited panelist.
- 08/2009 Being a Nurse. Graduating Class 2009 Pinning Ceremony. Seattle University College of Nursing, Seattle, WA. (Keynote).
- 05/2009 First Year as a Professor. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. (invited panelist).
- 11/2008 Content analysis: Interviewing techniques and research process. American Evaluation Society Conference, Denver, CO. (Invited 8-hour workshop presenter).
- 10/2008 Caring needs of lesbian couples during the transition to parenthood. Primary Health Care Practitioners’ Conference, Seattle, WA. (Invited plenary speaker).
- 04/2007 Perinatal loss in non-traditional families. Regional Intersection of Race and Gender: (Re) Imagining the Family Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, WA. (Invited plenary presentation).
- 11/2005 Promoting maternal and infant mental health in pregnancy and postpartum. IWK Health Center- Nova Scotia Department of Health one-day Symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Invited interactive symposium presentation).
- 10/2005 Miscarriage experiences of lesbian birth and social mothers. Dalhousie University, School of Health Sciences, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Invited symposium presentation).
- 01/2004 Creating Healing Environments in Health Care. Second Samueli Institute, Santa Monica, California (invited panelist).
- 10/1999 Theoretical Foundation for Mother-Baby Nursing. Applying Theory at the Bedside. Moncton General Hospital, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. (invited workshop).
- 1998/1999 Multicultural Health Workshop. A workshops co- facilitated with Dr. J. Enang, Halifax, NS, Canada.
- 1997/1998 Theoretical Foundation for Mother-Baby Nursing. Applying Theory at the Bedside. Monthly workshops, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, NS, Canada.
2018 - 2021 AACN National Taskforce member to re-imagine and implement New AACN Essentials for BSN and Post Licensure Programs.
2018 Nursing Outlook Excellence in Education Award for Preparing Nursing Students for Enhanced Roles in Primary care: The Current State of pre-licensure and RN to BSN Education, Presented at the 2018 American Academy of Nursing meeting.
2016 - present The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) Nursing School/program site evaluator.
2015 - 2023 J. Bushman Endowed Professor in Nursing, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
2015 - 2016 J. Macy’s Foundation Invited Summit participant on Nurses in Primary Care, Atlanta, Georgia; co-author of the 2016 Summit Report and a commissioned paper.
2013 - present American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel member: Nurses in Primary Care.
2014 American Nurses’ Association Steering Committee Member to Identify Barriers to RNs functioning to the full scope of practice.
2013 Visiting Professor, Malardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden.
2013 Inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
2013 - 2016 International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners Lactation Education Program Assessment and Accreditation Board member.
2012 - 2015 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow.
2012 Seattle University Immersion Delegation Participant, Nicaragua.
2011 Daisy Award for Excellence in Care University of Washington-Valley Medical Center, Renton, WA.
2011 Daisy Award for Excellence in Teaching, Seattle University, College of Nursing.
2010 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars Semifinalist.
2009 Seattle University Delegation Trip participant to Mexico.
2003 Electa MacLennan Dalhousie University School of Nursing Memorial Scholarship Recipient, Halifax, NS, Canada.
2001 “STARS” – Staff’s Choice Excellence in Practice Award: IWK Health Center, Halifax, NS, Canada.
2000 Spirit of Community Award Dartmouth Immigrant Community Association, Dartmouth, NS, Canada.
2000 Margaret Ross Award for Advancement of Nursing: IWK Health Center, Halifax, NS, Canada.
1999 Victoria General School of Nursing Alumni Scholarship: Victoria General School of Nursing Alumni Association, Halifax, NS, Canada.
1992 Grace Maternity Hospital Medical Staff Award for a Student Nurse Demonstrating Greatest Promise for Nursing. Victoria General School of Nursing, Halifax, NS, Canada.
1991 Gail Martell Denney Memorial Scholarship, Victoria General School of Nursing Halifax, NS, Canada.
1986 Graduated with Honors from MA Program: Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
- RN License, (1) Texas Board of Nursing; (2) WA Board of Nursing
- American Academy of Nursing (2013 - present)
- WA State Nurses Association (2013 - present)
- American Nurses Association (2013 - present)
- International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) (1998 - present)
- RWJF Executive Fellows Alumni Organization (2015 - present)
- Nurses in Primary Care
- Immigrant and non-traditional families' parenthood and culturally competent care
- Breastfeeding
- Pregnancy loss in non-traditional families and caring
Funding: Seattle University College of Nursing — 2005 - 2023
- Wojnar (Principal Investigator): Competency-Based Education for Practice-Ready Nurse Graduates; CCNE Funding Requested: $100,000 over 2 years (2023 - 2025); under review.
- Navetta, H. DePuydt, D. Wojnar: Trauma Informed Care Curriculum for BSN Students: A pilot study; CCNE Funding Requested $10,000 over 1 year (2023), under review.
- Wojnar (Principal Investigator): Promoting Diversity in Nursing Grant. National Institutes of Health/ HRSA Funding: $1,975.000 funding requested over 4 years – Scored, not funded.
- Wojnar, B. Bowie, R. Narruhn (co-principal investigators): Transition of refugee youth to life in the United States (June 2016-2018); Funding: $8,100 Seattle University College of Nursing Research Seed Fund.
- Wojnar: Executive Nurse Fellowship & Individual Project: The current state of pre-licensure and RN-to-BSN education in the United States: A National Survey (completed in 2015).
- Hayes, D. Wojnar, L. J. Smolowitz, E. Speakman, S. Ulrich, M.E. Whelan, Wood (co-investigators): The roles nursing in primary care in the USA: An exploration (completed in 2015).
- Wojnar (PI): Curriculum Transformation at SU CON: Nursing Students in Primary Care: Appreciative Inquiry. (completed). Funding: $700,000 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2012-2015).
- Bowie & D. Wojnar (co-principal investigators): Barriers to effective parenting for first generation Somali immigrants. (Jan 2010 - June 2012). Funding: $4,100 Seattle University Mission Fund.
- Bowie (PI), S. Song, S. Adejumobi, D. Wojnar, M.K. Brennan, V. Rucker, C. Garoutte. (Co- investigator). Neighborhood House Partnership Community based project with the goal of improving the delivery of early education to ensure healthy start in life for all children. Funding: $68,000 Better Way Foundation.
- Bowie (PI), M.K. Brennan, C. Garoutte, D. Wojnar, S. Adejumobi, S. Song. Research for a Strong Start (June 2011 - June 2012); Funding: $4,100 Seattle University Mission Fund.
- Wojnar (PI) Lesbian Couples’ Grief and Depression in the First Six Months after Miscarriage. (Sept. 2010 – Dec. 2013); Funding: $24,965 Sinegal Foundation.
Wojnar, D. Perinatal Experiences of Somali Couples (June 2008 - June 2010); Funding: $5,000 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing; $3,500 Barlow Foundation.
Israel-Ballard (PI), J. Andreson, Nobanzi, N., Hepfer, B., King'ori, E., Oketch, J., Wojnar, D., Cowgill, K. Infant Feeding Buddies: A Strategy to Support Safe Infant Feeding for HIV- Positive Mothers in South Africa: (June 2010 - June 2012); Funding: $25,000 PATH.
Wojnar, D. Postpartum depression symptoms among fathers and social mothers (June 2008 - June 2009). Funding: $7,500 Seattle University Summer Faculty Fellowship; $1,000. Seattle University College of Nursing Intramural Seed Research Fund.
Wojnar, K.M. Swanson, A. Adolfsson (Co-Principal Investigators): Development of a Universal Miscarriage Model for Use in Research and Clinical practice: A Phenomenological Analysis (Oct. 2008 - Oct. 2009). Funding: none applied for.
Wojnar, D. (PI): Pregnancy and Childbirth Experiences of Lesbian Mothers: Phenomenological Inquiry. (Oct. 2005 - Nov. 2006) Funding: $10,000 Dibble-De Joseph UCSF Research Grant in Women’s Health.
K.M. Swanson (PI) Couples’ Miscarriage Healing Project. D. Wojnar: Research Associate and Data Analysis team, University of Washington, School of Nursing. (Sept. 2005 - June 2008). Funding: K.M Swanson, PI: $ 1,466,888 NIH 1 R-O1 NR 05343-01A1.
Wojnar, D.. (PI) Miscarriage after Infertility: A pilot study (Oct. 2005 - Sept. 2006); Funding: $1,500 Seattle University Sponsored Research Office.
University of Washington School of Nursing — 2002-2005
- K.M. Swanson (P.I.) Couples’ Miscarriage Healing Project. Research (Sept. 2002 - July 2005); Funding: K.M. Swanson PI: $ 1,466,888 NIH 1 R-O1 NR 05343-01A1
Wojnar, D. Dissertation Research: Miscarriage Experiences of Lesbian Co-Mothers: Couples’ Perspectives. (Jan. 2004 – May 2005). Funding: $9,000 IWK Health Center Ruby Blois Research Award; $15,000 University of Washington School of Nursing Hester Mac Laws’ Research Award; $ 7,500 Dalhousie University Alumni Electa McLennan Memorial Research Fund; $5,000 STTI/WIN Award.
IWK Health Center, Hailfax, Nova Scotia, Canada — 1998 - 2002
Wojnar, D. , E. Snelgrove-Clark, K. Porier Group versus Individual Teaching during Postpartum Hospitalization: A pilot study (Dec. 2000 - June 2002); Funding: $7,500 IWK Health Center Health Research Foundation, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Wojnar, D. Master Thesis: Women’s Perceptions of Early Mothering Experiences and Breastfeeding Outcomes: A mixed methods study (Oct. 1998 - May 2002). Funding: $7,500 IWK Health Center Ruby Blois Research Fund.