Danuta M. Wojnar


Professor and Dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions

Office: Nursing Building #141
Phone: (210) 283-6379

  •  Executive Business Administration Certificate (2015),  Wharton School of Business University of Philidelphia
  • Ph.D. in Nursing (2005), University of Washington 
  • Master of Nursing (2002), Dalhousie University 
  • Adult Education Certificate (2000), Henson College
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (1996), Dalhouise University
  • Diploma in Nursing (1992), Victoria General Hospital 
  • Master of Arts-Specialty (1986), Jagiellonian University
  • Conceptual Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice (Graduate Lecture)
  • Promoting Wellness in Childbearing Families (Prelicensure Lecture and Clinical)
  • Graduate Research Seminar (Graduate Lecture/Seminar)
  • DNP Internship Graduate Lecture/Seminar)
  • Population Health Internship (Pre-licensure seminar & Internship Supervision)
  • Assessment and Interventions (Lab)
  • Ph.D. Dissertation Research, DNP Capstone Projects, MN Thesis (Individual and Small Group)
  • Nurses in Primary Care
  • Immigrant and non-traditional families' parenthood and culturally competent care
  • Breastfeeding
  • Pregnancy loss in non-traditional families and caring

Funding: Seattle University College of Nursing — 2005 - 2023

  • Wojnar (Principal Investigator): Competency-Based Education for Practice-Ready Nurse Graduates; CCNE Funding Requested: $100,000 over 2 years (2023 - 2025); under review.
  • Navetta, H. DePuydt, D. Wojnar: Trauma Informed Care Curriculum for BSN Students: A pilot  study; CCNE Funding Requested $10,000 over 1 year (2023), under review.
  • Wojnar (Principal Investigator): Promoting Diversity in Nursing Grant. National Institutes of   Health/ HRSA Funding: $1,975.000 funding requested over 4 years – Scored, not funded.
  • Wojnar, B. Bowie, R. Narruhn (co-principal investigators): Transition of refugee youth to life in the United States (June 2016-2018); Funding: $8,100 Seattle University College of Nursing Research Seed Fund.
  • Wojnar: Executive Nurse Fellowship & Individual Project: The current state of pre-licensure and RN-to-BSN education in the United States: A National Survey (completed in 2015).
  • Hayes, D. Wojnar, L. J. Smolowitz, E. Speakman, S. Ulrich, M.E. Whelan, Wood (co-investigators): The roles nursing in primary care in the USA: An exploration (completed in 2015).
  • Wojnar (PI): Curriculum Transformation at SU CON: Nursing Students in Primary Care: Appreciative Inquiry. (completed). Funding: $700,000 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2012-2015).
  • Bowie & D. Wojnar (co-principal investigators): Barriers to effective parenting for first generation Somali immigrants. (Jan 2010 - June 2012). Funding: $4,100 Seattle University Mission Fund.
  • Bowie (PI), S. Song, S. Adejumobi, D. Wojnar, M.K. Brennan, V. Rucker, C. Garoutte. (Co- investigator). Neighborhood House Partnership Community based project with the goal of improving the delivery of early education to ensure healthy start in life for all children. Funding: $68,000 Better Way Foundation.
  • Bowie (PI), M.K. Brennan, C. Garoutte, D. Wojnar, S. Adejumobi, S. Song. Research for a Strong Start (June 2011 - June 2012); Funding: $4,100 Seattle University Mission Fund.
  • Wojnar (PI) Lesbian Couples’ Grief and Depression in the First Six Months after Miscarriage. (Sept. 2010 – Dec. 2013); Funding: $24,965 Sinegal Foundation.
  • Wojnar, D. Perinatal Experiences of Somali Couples (June 2008 - June 2010); Funding: $5,000 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing; $3,500 Barlow Foundation.

  • Israel-Ballard (PI), J. Andreson, Nobanzi, N., Hepfer, B., King'ori, E., Oketch, J., Wojnar, D., Cowgill, K. Infant Feeding Buddies: A Strategy to Support Safe Infant Feeding for HIV- Positive Mothers in South Africa: (June 2010 - June 2012); Funding: $25,000 PATH.

  • Wojnar, D. Postpartum depression symptoms among fathers and social mothers (June 2008 - June 2009). Funding: $7,500 Seattle University Summer Faculty Fellowship; $1,000. Seattle University College of Nursing Intramural Seed Research Fund.

  • Wojnar, K.M. Swanson, A. Adolfsson (Co-Principal Investigators): Development of a Universal Miscarriage Model for Use in Research and Clinical practice: A Phenomenological Analysis (Oct. 2008 - Oct. 2009). Funding: none applied for.

  • Wojnar, D. (PI):  Pregnancy and Childbirth Experiences of Lesbian Mothers: Phenomenological      Inquiry. (Oct. 2005 - Nov. 2006) Funding: $10,000 Dibble-De Joseph UCSF Research Grant in Women’s Health.

  • K.M. Swanson (PI) Couples’ Miscarriage Healing Project. D. Wojnar: Research Associate and         Data Analysis team, University of Washington, School of Nursing. (Sept. 2005 - June 2008). Funding: K.M Swanson, PI: $ 1,466,888 NIH 1 R-O1 NR 05343-01A1.

  • Wojnar, D..  (PI) Miscarriage after Infertility: A pilot study (Oct. 2005 - Sept. 2006); Funding: $1,500 Seattle University Sponsored Research Office.

University of Washington School of Nursing — 2002-2005

  • K.M. Swanson (P.I.) Couples’ Miscarriage Healing Project. Research (Sept. 2002 - July 2005); Funding: K.M. Swanson PI:  $ 1,466,888 NIH 1 R-O1 NR 05343-01A1
  • Wojnar, D. Dissertation Research: Miscarriage Experiences of Lesbian Co-Mothers: Couples’ Perspectives. (Jan. 2004 – May 2005). Funding: $9,000 IWK Health Center Ruby Blois Research Award; $15,000 University of Washington School of Nursing Hester Mac Laws’ Research Award; $ 7,500 Dalhousie University Alumni Electa McLennan Memorial Research Fund; $5,000 STTI/WIN Award.

IWK Health Center, Hailfax, Nova Scotia, Canada — 1998 - 2002

  • Wojnar, D. , E. Snelgrove-Clark, K. Porier Group versus Individual Teaching during          Postpartum Hospitalization: A pilot study (Dec. 2000 - June 2002); Funding: $7,500 IWK Health Center Health Research Foundation, Halifax, NS, Canada.

  • Wojnar, D. Master Thesis: Women’s Perceptions of Early Mothering Experiences and Breastfeeding Outcomes: A mixed methods study (Oct. 1998 - May 2002). Funding: $7,500 IWK Health Center Ruby Blois Research Fund.

  • Kim, H.J. & Wojnar, D.  (2022). Developing mental health simulation for undergraduate and graduate students: Lessons learned. Western Journal of Nursing Research (in revision).

  • Baca-Dietz, D., Wojnar, D.M., & Espina, C. (2020). The Shared Decision-Making Model: Providers’ and Patients’ Knowledge and Understanding in Clinical Practice. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Jun 30. Doi: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000401. Online ahead of print.

  • Marcinowicz, L., Terlikowski, J., & Wojnar, D.M. (2021). Work Activities of Primary Health Care Nurses in Poland: National Survey Results. BMC Health Services Research Journal. 20 (22). Published online 2021 Jan 14. doi: 10.1186/s12912-021-00541-2

  • Kidd, S., Christiansen, K., Coumar, A., Williams, J., BSN, Ito, K., Petersen, A., Niculescu, R.,Eisenberg, S., Schwab, D., Wojnar, D.M., Jablonski, A., & Shannon Dorcy, K. (2020). A dedicated education unit and a novel resident nurse transition to practice program in  an ambulatory oncology setting. Seminars in Oncology Nursing Jun;36(3), 151027. doi: 10.1016/j.soncn.2020.151027. Epub 2020 May 15.

  • Marcinowicz L, Shpakou A, Wojnar, D., Piatrou S, Fejfer-Wirbal E, Dudzik A, Kalinowska P, & Palubinskaya S.  (2020). Behavioural categories of professionalism of nurses in Poland and Belarus: A comparative survey. . Journal of  Clinical Nursing, May;29(9-10):1635 -1642. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15226. Epub 2020 Mar 10.PMID: 32092210.
  • Hermer, J., Hirsch, A., Bekemeier, B., Nyirati, C., & Wojnar, D. et al. (2020). Integrating population health in nursing education: A commitment from Washington’s nursing deans and directors. Journal of Professional Nursing 36(2), 6-12.
  • Miller, C. & Wojnar, D.M. (2019). Breastfeeding Support guided by Swanson's Theory of Caring. MCN American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 44(6), 351-356.
  • Kim H.J. & Wojnar, D. (2019). Hearing distressing voices simulation: Students’ perspectives. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40(3), 240-246.
  • Wojnar, D. & Whelan, E.M. (2018). Preparing nursing students for enhanced roles in primary care: The current state of prelicensure and RN-to-BSN education. Nursing Outlook, 65(2), 222-232.
  • Bowie, B., Wojnar, D. & Isaak, A. (2017). Somali families’ experiences of parenting in the United States. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 39(2)  pii: 0193945916656147. (Epub ahead of print).
  • Young, R., Lewis, F. M., & Wojnar, D.  (2016). Culturally embedded risk factors for Cambodian husband-wife HIV transmission from women’s point of view. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(2),154-162. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12193.
  • Yang, Y., Wojnar, D., & Lewis, F.M. (2016). Becoming a person with HIV: experiences of Cambodian women infected by their spouses. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 18, 1-12.
  • Yang, Y., Lewis, F.M., & Wojnar D. (2015). Life changes in women infected with HIV by their husbands: An interpretive phenomenological study. Journal of Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. 26(5), 580-594.
  • Wojnar, D. M. (2015). Perinatal experiences of Somali couples in the USA. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 44(3), 358-369.
  • Smolowitz, J., Speakman, E., Wojnar, D. M. Whelan, E.M., Ulrich, S., Hayes, C., & Wood, L. (2015). Nurses in primary care. Nursing Outlook. 63(2), 130-137.
  • Ellis, S., Wojnar, D., & Pettinatto, M. (2015). Conception, pregnancy, and birth experiences of male and gender variant parents: It’s how we could be a family. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 60(1), 62-69.
  • Trotter, A., Matt, S., & Wojnar, D. (2014). Communication strategies and accommodations utilized by health care providers with hearing losses, a pilot study. The American Journal of Audiology, 23(1), 7-19.
  • Leach, S., Wojnar, D., & Pettinatto, M. (2014). Lived experience of miscarriage for nine Latina women. Journal of Theory Construction and Testing, 18(1), 10-17.
  • Wojnar, D., & Katzenmyer, A. (2014). Becoming a parent for non-biological lesbian mothers. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing. 43(1), 50– 60.
  • Wojnar, D., Cowgill, K., Hoffman, L., & Carlson, H. (2013). Evaluation of an evidence-based Pitocin administration checklist at a tertiary-level hospital. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 16, 36(8), 975-988.
  • Andreson, J., Nobanzi, N., Hepfer, B., King'ori, E., Oketch, J., Wojnar, D., Cowgill, K.& Israel-Ballard, K. (2013). Infant feeding buddies: A strategy to support safe infant feeding for HIV-positive mothers. Journal of Human Lactation. 29 (1),90–93.
  • Wojnar, D., Swanson, K.M., & Adolfsson, A. (2011). Miscarriage: Confronting the Inevitable. A
    conceptual model for use in clinical practice and research. Death Studies, 35 (6), 536-558.
  • Swanson, K.M., Chen S., Graham, C., Wojnar, D., & Petras, A. (2009). Resolution of depression and grief during the first year after miscarriage: A randomized controlled clinical trial of couples-focused interventions. Journal of Women’s Health. 18(8), 1245- 1257.
  • Wojnar, D. (2007). Miscarriage Experiences of Lesbian Birth and Social Mothers: Couples’ perspectives. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 52(5), 479-85.
  • Wojnar, D., Hogan, J., Nagle, W., Roberts, J., Etowa, J., Carson, G.  (2006). Development and Implementation of a Breastfeeding Policy: Bringing an ideal to reality, Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing 9S1, 653-e56.
  • Wojnar, D. & Swanson, K. (2007). Phenomenology: An exploration. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 25(3), 172-80; discussion 181-2; quiz 183-185.
  • Wojnar, D. & Swanson, K.M. (2006). Why shouldn’t lesbian miscarriage receive special consideration? A viewpoint. Journal of GLTB Family Studies, 2(1),1-12.
  • Wojnar, D. (2004) Maternal perceptions of early breastfeeding experiences and breastfeeding outcomes at 6 weeks. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing. 8(3), 93-100.
  • Swanson, K. M. & Wojnar, D. Optimal healing environments in Nursing. (2004). Alternative  Therapies in Health and Medicine 10(1), 43-51.
  • Wojnar, D. (2003). Developing nursing perspective on spirituality and healing: Questions and answers following a letter to the Editor. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16(3), 297-300.
  • McCallum, M., Curran-Smith, J., Wojnar, D., & Williamson, S. (2002). Evaluating the impact of organizational learning initiatives. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 18 (4), 177-183.
  • Enang, J., Wojnar, D., & Harper, F. (2002). Childbearing among diverse populations: How one Hospital is providing multicultural care. Lifelines, 6(2), 153-160.

Invited Non-Peer Reviewed: 

  • Wojnar, D. (2007). Nurturing touch in the NICU: The Outcomes to preterm infants and their infants. Neurotransmitter, Spring 2007.
  • Wojnar, D. & McMichael, J. (2000). Using ‘Keys to Caregiving’ in an infant massage program with teen mothers. University of Washington Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training (NCAST) News, 16 (4) 1-4.

Refereed Book Chapters, Encyclopedia Entries, Reviews

  • Henner, N., MD, Wojnar, D., & Denney-Koelsch, MD. (2020). Considerations in unique populations in perinatal care: from culture, race, infertility and beyond perspectives. In: PPC Clinical Guide Book. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Wojnar, D. (2019). Caring. In S. J. Peterson & T.S. Bredow (Eds.). Middle range theories: Application to nursing research and practice. 3nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Wojnar, D. (2015). Caring. In S.J. Peterson & T.S. Bredow (Eds.). Middle range theories: Application to nursing research and practice. 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Wojnar, D. (2015). Perinatal loss in lesbian families. In P. M. Wright & B. Black (Eds.). Perinatal Bereavement. New York: Springer Publishing (published Sept 2015).
  • Wojnar, D. & Nahrrun, R. (2015). Perinatal Health Care of Somali Women: A resource Guide. In: M.deChesnay and B. Anderson (Eds.). Caring for the Vulnerable: Perspectives in Nursing Theory, Practice and Research.  4th Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
  • Bowie, B. & Wojnar, D. (2015). Using phenomenology as a research method in community based research. In M. deChesnay (Ed.). Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research Monograph Series, New York: Springer Publishing, published in February 2015.
  • Wojnar, D. (2014). Social, cultural, and spiritual assessment. In: S. Jensen (Ed.). Health Assessment and Intervention in Nursing. The best Practice Approach. 2nd Edition, Baltimore: Walter Kluwer- Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
  • Wojnar, D. (2012). Swanson’s Middle Range Theory of Caring. In A. Marriner Tomey & M. R. Alligood (Eds.), Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 8th ed., (pp. 762-773). St Louis: Mosby.
  • Wojnar, D.  (2011). Application of K.E. Barnard Caregiver Child Interaction framework in caring for premature infants. In: M. deChesney and B. Anderson (Eds.). Caring for the Vulnerable: Perspectives in Nursing Theory, Practice and Research, 2nd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
  • Wojnar, D. (2010). Optimal healing environments for families. In: M. Craft Rosenberg (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Family Health, St Louis: SAGE.
  • Wojnar, D. (2010). Social, cultural, and spiritual assessment. In: S. Jensen (Ed.). Health Assessment and Intervention in Nursing. The best Practice Approach. Baltimore: Walter Kluwer- Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
  • Wojnar, D. (2010). Swanson’s Middle Range Theory of Caring. In: A. Mariner Tomey & M.R. Alligood (Eds.), Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 7th ed., St Louis: Mosby.
  • Wojnar, D. (2011; 2009). Caring theory: Application in nursing research and practice. In: S. Peterson (Ed.), Middle Range theories: Application to Nursing Research. St Louis: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.


  • Wojnar, D. (2011). Lesbian miscarriage. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP): Köln, Germany (in English).

Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers and Presentations:

  • Baca Dietz, D., & Wojnar, D. 2019. Nurse Practitioners Conference. Shared decision making in primary care: Implications for patients and providers. Oct 16-19, Eugene, Oregon.
  • Wojnar, D. September 2018. A vision for nursing in primary care. European Forum on Nursing and Healthcare. September 6-9, Venice, Italy.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2018. Community based curriculum evaluation results. Paper presentation. Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference.  April 12-15 Spokane, WA.
  • Wojnar, D. September 2017. Preparing BSN Students for Advanced Roles in Primary Care: Lessons learned. Paper presentation, 30th World Congress on Advanced Nursing Practice  September 4-6 , 2017  Edinburgh, Scotland. 
  • Wojnar, D. July 2017. Understanding refugee youth experiences with transitioning to a new country. Paper presentation accepted for the 36th International Human Science Research Conference, Poland.
  • Wojnar, D. & EM. Whelan: June 2017. Preparing nursing students for enhanced roles in primary
    care: The current state of prelicensure and RN-to-BSN education. Paper presentation
    accepted for the International Congress of Nurses, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Wojnar, D., Narruhn, R., & Bowie, B., January 2017. The experiences of refugee youth with transition to the United States. Paper presented at Giving Voice to Experience Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Wojnar, D. & Whelan, E.M. June 2016. The enhanced role of nurses in primary care: where do we need to go? Paper presented at Macy Foundation Summit on Nursing in Primary Care, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Wojnar, D. November 2014. Nursing in primary care: Global perspective. International Conference on Nursing Healthcare Innovation. Paper presented at International Conference on Nursing Healthcare Innovation, Chicago, Ill.
  • Wojnar, D. Sept 2014. Grief and depression patterns in lesbian partners in the first six months after pregnancy loss. Research paper presented at International Conference on Healthcare and Social Welfare, Vasteras, Sweden.
  • Bowie, B. & Wojnar, D. Sept. 2014. Understanding Somali families’ barriers to effective parenting. Paper presented at the 10th International Globalization, Diversity, & Education Conference, Spokane, WA.
  • Whelan, E.M., Wojnar, D., Ulrich, S. June 2014. Nurses in primary care in the USA: State of the Science. Paper presented at Academy Health Conference, San Diego, California.
  • Kamau, L., Wojnar, D., Cowgill, K. April 2014. Perceptions of the lived experience of residents of Thogoto Home for the Aged in Kikuju, Kenya. 1 Research paper presented at the 47th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2014. Perinatal Experiences of Somali couples. Paper presented at Giving Voice to Experience Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
  • Bowie, B. & Wojnar, D. Feb. 2014. Understanding Somali families’ barriers to effective parenting. Paper presented at the 10th International Globalization, Diversity, & Education Conference, Spokane, WA.
  • Wojnar, D. June 2012. Perinatal Experiences of Somali Couples in the USA.1 Research paper presented at the International Nursing Conference Caring to Know Knowing to Care, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Wojnar, D., Bowie, B., & McAllister, L. June 2012. Lessons Learned: Building Alliances with Difficult to Reach Communities. Poster presented at the International Nursing Conference Caring to Know, Knowing to Care, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Bowie, B., Wojnar, D., & McAllister, L. June 2012: Understanding Somali Families’ Barriers to Effective Parenting. Research poster presented at the International Nursing Conference Caring to Know, Knowing to care, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Dana, N., Israel-Ballard, K., King’ori, J., Oketch, J., Anderson, J., Wojnar, D., & Cowgill, K. June 2011. Feeding buddies: A strategy to support safe infant feeding for HIV positive mothers. 1 Research poster presented at the 5th South African AIDS Conference. Durban, South Africa.
  • Bowie, B., Wojnar, D., & Carlson, L. April 2011. Understanding Somali Families' barriers to effective parenting.1 Research poster presented at the 44th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Wojnar, D. & Aden, F. April 2011. Perinatal Care Needs of Somali Immigrants. 1 Research paper presented at the 44th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2010: Miscarriage Experiences of Lesbian Co-mothers. Research poster presented at the 43rd Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2009: Fathers and Postpartum Depression. 1 Research paper presented at the 42nd Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Wojnar, D. June 2008: Social Mothers’ transition to parenthood.1  Research paper presented at the International Conference of Human Caring. Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2008: Partners’ transition to parenthood and depressive symptoms. Research poster presented at the 41st Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, WIN, Los Angeles, California.
  • Wojnar, D. July 2007: Caring for lesbian couples who miscarried.1 Research paper presented at the International Nursing Research Congress. Austria, Vienna.
  • Wojnar, D. Apr. 2007: Becoming Lesbian Non-biological Mother. 1 Research paper presented at the 40th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference, Portland, OR.
  • Swanson, K.M. & Wojnar, D. April 2007: Fidelity to theory in a caring based intervention. Research poster presented at the 40th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference. Portland, OR.
  • Wojnar, D. March 2007: Caring for Lesbian Couples during the Transition to Parenthood. Research paper presented at the 20th Pacific Nursing Research Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2006: Miscarriage Experiences of Lesbian Birth and Social Mothers. 1 Research paper presented at the 39th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Wojnar, D. Nov 2005: Miscarriage experiences of lesbian birth and social mothers. A 2-hour research-based symposium presented at the Second National Rainbow Health Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2005: Maternal perceptions of early breastfeeding experiences of breastfeeding outcomes at 6 weeks. 1 Research paper presented at the 38th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research Conference. San Francisco, California.
  • Swanson, K., & Wojnar D. October 2004. Predicting gender-based depression and grief post miscarriage.1 Research paper presented at the National State of the Science Nursing Congress1 Washington, DC.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2004: Gender Differences in Perception of Caring and support after Miscarriage. Research paper presented at the 37th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Research      Conference. Portland, Oregon.
  • Wojnar, D. June 2002. Group versus Individual Teaching during Postpartum Hospitalization: A Pilot study.1 Research poster presented at the International AWHONN Convention. Boston, MA.
  • Wojnar, D. June 2002. Development and Implementation of a Joint Breastfeeding Policy between IWK Health Centre and Public Health Services. 1 A quality improvement project paper presented at the International AWHONN Convention. Boston, MA.
  • Wojnar, D. Nov 2001. Development of Infant Massage Program in a Tertiary Health Center.  A quality improvement project paper presented at the Canadian AWHONN Convention, Vancouver, BC.
  • Wojnar, D. Oct. 2001. Planning and Development of a Joint Breastfeeding Policy for the IWK Health Centre and Public Health Services.1 A quality improvement project paper presented at the Canadian National Breastfeeding Conference, Moncton, NB.
  • Wojnar, D. & Mac Michael, J. August 2000: Development and Implementation of Community- based Keys to Care giving/Infant Massage Program for Teen Single Mothers. Quality improvement project paper presented at the 9th International NCAST Institute, UW School of Nursing, Seattle, WA.
  • McCallum, M., Wojnar, D., Curran-Smith, J., & Williamson, S. July 2000: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: An innovative corporate learning evaluation strategy. Quality improvement project paper presentation at the Educational Innovation in Economics & Business (EDINEB) International Conference. Long Beach, CA.
  • Wojnar, D. April 2000: Helping Women at Risk for Pre-term Birth Deal with the Stress of Hospitalization and Uncertain Motherhood: The Tea & Learn Program. A quality improvement project paper presented at the 20th Perinatal Nursing Conference. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Wojnar, D., Enang, J.., & Harper, F. June 2000: Development and Implementation of a
    Multicultural  Health program: An Innovative Approach to Meeting the Needs of
    Culturally Diverse Community. A quality improvement project paper presented at the
    International AWHONN Convention, Seattle, WA.
  • Cormier, J., Wojnar, D., Myrdock, A., & Campbell, L. November 1998: Implementation of Mother – Baby Telephone Advice. A quality improvement project presented at the Canadian National Baby-Friendly Initiative Conference Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Wojnar, D., Wertman, F., & Snelgrove-Clarke, E. June 1998: Development and implementation of theoretical foundation for Mother-Baby Nursing. A quality improvement poster presented at the International AWHONN Convention, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Wertman, F., Wojnar, D., & Snelgrove-Clarke, E. April 1998: Care paths: Supporting Theory and Outcome Based Care. A quality improvement project podium paper presented at the 18th Perinatal Nursing Conference, Dartmouth, NS.

Keynotes and Invited Presentations (selected):

  • 03/2021 Equity and Justice Initiatives at SUCON. Regional NWONE  Virtual Meeting.
  • 10/2020 The New Generation of Nursing Essentials. WA, CNEWS (Annual, regional  Deans & Directors conference).
  • 02/2020 Nursing Essentials Re-imagined. Regional AACN Conferences (1)Florida; (2) Texas
  • 08/2018 Interprofessional Model of Primary Care with RN at its Heart. International Congress on Primary Care, Paris France.
  • 03/2017 Caring and Social Justice: Seattle University, Seattle, WA, Annual SU CON Dean’s
  • 08/2016  Transition to Professional Practice Using Social Justice as a Moral Imperative.
     SUCON Pinning Ceremony. (Keynote).
  • 06/2016 Preparing Nurses for Advanced Roles in Primary Care. Macy’s Foundation
      Interdisciplinary Summit on Primary Care, Atlanta, GA.
  • 05/2014 Improving Population Health through Nursing Research and Practice: Interactive
    Seminar. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences Symposium; faculty and student participants and distance participants from Northern Canada, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, and England. (Keynote).
  • 04/2014 Nurses in primary care: changes underway. SUCON Regional Summit:    Changes in Healthcare: Implications and Innovations for Nursing     Education  and Practice. Seattle, WA. (Keynote).
  • 02/2014 Program of research: lesbian pregnancy loss. “Perinatal Loss Summit.” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC. (invited presentation).
  • 01/2014 Changing the culture of healthcare through nursing education, practice and research. Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing Induction Ceremony. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Canada. (Keynote).
  • 12/2013 Healthcare reform in the USA and its Effects on Primary care Nursing. Lunch time faculty scholars. Seattle University, College of Nursing. (invited presentation).
  • 12/2013 The Roles of Registered Nurses in Primary Care. American Board of Internal Medicine-American Academy of Nursing and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellows Leadership Action Learning Summit on the Future of Primary Care. Philadelphia, PA (Keynote).
  • 06/2013 Forming effective coalitions to address the perinatal needs of Somali immigrants. Malardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden. (invited presentation).
  • 05/2013 Barriers to meeting perinatal needs of Somali immigrants. Town Hall meeting, Eskilstuna City  Municipality, Sweden. (Keynote).
  • 04/2013 Caring for diverse populations: How ready are we? Somali parents Perinatal Experiences. Perinatal  International Conference: Society and Health, Eskilstuna, Sweden. (invited presentation).
  • 02/2010 Benefits of Engagement in Baby Friendly Initiative, Valley Medical Center, Renton, WA. (invited presentation).
  • 01/2010 Sullivan Day Panelist: The Bookseller of Kabul. Seattle University, Seattle, WA, invited panelist.
  • 08/2009 Being a Nurse. Graduating Class 2009 Pinning Ceremony. Seattle University College of Nursing, Seattle, WA. (Keynote).
  • 05/2009 First Year as a Professor. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. (invited panelist).
  • 11/2008 Content analysis: Interviewing techniques and research process. American Evaluation Society Conference, Denver, CO. (Invited 8-hour workshop presenter).
  • 10/2008 Caring needs of lesbian couples during the transition to parenthood. Primary Health Care Practitioners’ Conference, Seattle, WA. (Invited plenary speaker).
  • 04/2007 Perinatal loss in non-traditional families. Regional Intersection of Race and Gender: (Re) Imagining the Family Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, WA. (Invited plenary presentation).
  • 11/2005 Promoting maternal and infant mental health in pregnancy and postpartum. IWK Health Center- Nova Scotia Department of Health one-day Symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Invited interactive symposium presentation).
  • 10/2005 Miscarriage experiences of lesbian birth and social mothers. Dalhousie University, School of Health Sciences, Halifax, NS, Canada. (Invited symposium presentation).
  • 01/2004 Creating Healing Environments in Health Care. Second Samueli Institute, Santa Monica, California (invited panelist).
  • 10/1999 Theoretical Foundation for Mother-Baby Nursing. Applying Theory at the Bedside. Moncton General Hospital, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. (invited workshop).
  • 1998/1999 Multicultural Health Workshop. A workshops co- facilitated with Dr. J. Enang, Halifax, NS, Canada.
  • 1997/1998 Theoretical Foundation for Mother-Baby Nursing. Applying Theory at the Bedside. Monthly workshops, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, NS, Canada.



  • RN License, (1) Texas Board of Nursing; (2) WA Board of Nursing
  • American Academy of Nursing (2013 - present)
  • WA State Nurses Association (2013 - present)
  • American Nurses Association (2013 - present)
  • International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) (1998 - present)
  • RWJF Executive Fellows Alumni Organization (2015 - present)
  • 2018 - 2021 AACN National Taskforce member to re-imagine and implement New AACN Essentials for BSN and Post Licensure Programs.

  • 2018 Nursing Outlook Excellence in Education Award for Preparing Nursing Students for Enhanced Roles in Primary care: The Current State of pre-licensure and RN to BSN Education, Presented at the 2018 American Academy of Nursing meeting.

  • 2016 - present The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) Nursing School/program site evaluator.

  • 2015 - 2023 J. Bushman Endowed Professor in Nursing, Seattle University, Seattle, WA

  • 2015 - 2016 J. Macy’s Foundation Invited Summit participant on Nurses in Primary Care, Atlanta, Georgia; co-author of the 2016 Summit Report and a commissioned paper.

  • 2013 - present  American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel member: Nurses in Primary Care.

  • 2014 American Nurses’ Association Steering Committee Member to Identify Barriers to RNs functioning to the full scope of practice.

  • 2013 Visiting Professor, Malardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden.

  • 2013 Inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

  • 2013 - 2016 International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners Lactation Education Program Assessment and Accreditation Board member.

  • 2012 - 2015 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow.

  • 2012 Seattle University Immersion Delegation Participant, Nicaragua.

  • 2011 Daisy Award for Excellence in Care University of Washington-Valley Medical Center, Renton, WA.

  • 2011 Daisy Award for Excellence in Teaching, Seattle University, College of Nursing.

  • 2010 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars Semifinalist.

  • 2009 Seattle University Delegation Trip participant to Mexico.

  • 2003 Electa MacLennan Dalhousie University School of Nursing Memorial Scholarship Recipient, Halifax, NS, Canada.

  • 2001 “STARS” – Staff’s Choice Excellence in Practice Award: IWK Health Center, Halifax, NS, Canada.

  • 2000 Spirit of Community Award Dartmouth Immigrant Community Association, Dartmouth, NS, Canada.

  • 2000 Margaret Ross Award for Advancement of Nursing: IWK Health Center, Halifax, NS, Canada.

  • 1999 Victoria General School of Nursing Alumni Scholarship: Victoria General School of Nursing Alumni Association, Halifax, NS, Canada.

  • 1992 Grace Maternity Hospital Medical Staff Award for a Student Nurse Demonstrating Greatest Promise for Nursing. Victoria General School of Nursing, Halifax, NS, Canada.

  • 1991 Gail Martell Denney Memorial Scholarship, Victoria General School of Nursing Halifax, NS, Canada.

  • 1986 Graduated with Honors from MA Program: Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.